Organizations & People This list is a work in progress and contains exceptional professionals and organizations working with great expertise. There are hundreds of organizations and individuals working on amazing projects. Suggestions are welcome. NameTypeIssue Veterinaris sense frontera (VSF)Organization for food soverignty GrainOrganization for food sovereignty Via campesinaOrganization for food sovereigntyLa Via Campesina is built on a strong sense of unity and solidarity between small and medium-scale agricultural producers from the North and South. The main goal of the movement is to realize food sovereignty and stop the destructive neo-liberal process. Salut Drets AccióMedicus Mundi and Faramceutics mundi project Xevi VerdaguerPeoplePsychoneuroimmunoloy doctor Marion NestlePeopleFood politics QuepoOrganization United ExplanationsOrganization World Nutrition VisionariesPeopleContributors to World Nutrition Journal of the World Public Health Nutrition Association Raj PatelPeopleFood Politics World Public Health AssociationOrganization ICAF International Comission on Anthropology of Food and NutritionResearch Organization IEHCA European Institute for the History and Cultures of FoodResearch Organization Pierre RabhiPeopleAgroecologist Food Tank OrganizationFood Tank is focused on building a global community for safe, healthy, nourished eaters. They spotlight environmentally, socially, and economically sustainable ways of alleviating hunger, obesity, and poverty and create networks of people, organizations, and content to push for food system change. ODELA Observatorio de la AlimentaciónResearch Organization Generation Food ProjectOrganization Eurofir databaseOrganization on Food compositon data base EuroFIR AISBL, an international, member-based, non-profit Association under Belgian law (, was set up in 2009 to ensure sustained advocacy for food information in Europe. Its purpose is to develop, publish and exploit food composition information, and promote international cooperation and harmonisation of standards to improve data quality, storage and access. Ferme du BecOrganization on Permaculture