Campaigns/Projects FAM Project Yolanda, 19/12/2016 Changing hunger’s perception Share this:TweetEmail Continue Reading
Campaigns/Projects Gut feeling Yolanda, 09/11/201623/11/2016 Show me your microbiota and I’ll show you mine. Our gut and the Human Food Project. Share this:TweetEmail Continue Reading
Campaigns/Projects Let’s make a plan(tation) of our own Yolanda, 22/10/201623/11/2016 Powerful movements, with all their setbacks, are stepping up and facing corporation control over health and livelihoods. Share this:TweetEmail Continue Reading
Campaigns/Projects Building a food library Yolanda, 23/02/201623/11/2016 A project to preserve seeds from all over the planet Share this:TweetEmail Continue Reading